Tasked with everything from individual projects to complete facility maintenance, SOS Well Services doesn’t take anything for granted. In fact, we have a reputation in the Industry for solving difficult problems. The overall performance and safety of a well depends on many factors. Give us a call to go over all your Roustabout needs.

General Roustabout Services
- Wellhead hookups
- Tank battery construction
- Compressor installations
- Gas cooler installations
- Polyfuse projects
- Location removals/consolidations
- Wellsite maintenance
- Plant/Facility maintenance
- Shutdowns/Turnaround support
- Welders
- Hotshot services
- Warehouse/Yard management
- Pumping/Water treatment services
- Trash cage rental/management
- Cathodic installation

Pipeline Services
- Anomaly digs / existing line maintenance
- New install
- Gathering station, maintenance
- Abandonment/Removal of old lines and facilities
- Sandblasting services
Project Management
- Third-party management
- Schedule compliance
- Budget management

Solar Panel Installations
SOS Energy Services division applies our same formula for Excellence to solar installation services in the Western United States.
- Topsoil removal
- Leveling/Grading of solar area
- Road construction, including culverts and erosion prevention
- Perimeter chain-link fence installation
- Solar base and panel installation
- Rotational motor and wiring installation
- Tie-in to main power hub / distribution centern